Thursday 21 August 2014

Vegetarian Food Challenge

16 days ago I stopped eating meat. My main reason is the unnecessary suffering of animals raised to end up on our dishes.
I'm not going to be fundamentalist about this, for a long time I did not feel the need to change my diet, because I think this decision should be very personal and arise from you and not from others telling you to do this.

I'll leave a video that motivated my change, (it's disturbing so here's a warning if you don't feel you should watch it, don't)
''everyone would be vegetarian if slaughterhouses had glass walls''

I decided to first cut meat from my diet, and then see from there. It's hard enough to cut out meat, imagine: no more bacon, no more ham, no more chicken, no more beef, no more mince meat...
So my main challenge with this move was/is "what am I going to eat today?"
My fiancé will try anything (at least once) so he was up for my dinner trials. The commom mistake people make is thinking vegetarians and /or vegans only eat flavourless things. I have learned in only 15 days that actually food has more taste, and different flavours in only one bite, as you normally season it more. And by seasoning with herbs and spices you can cut on your salt intake, which makes it healthy.
Another challenge was continuing to eat enough proteins. So for now, and with no date in mind, i'll continue to feast on fish when I feel like :)
I would be able to fish a fish and eat it, but I would never be able to kill a cow or chicken to eat; so why be hypocrite and ask other people to do my dirty job? Also - as stated above - I don't agree on giving money to meat farmers that so brutally and inhumanely treat chickens, pigs and cows. I just cannot.

So this blog will be about cooking ideas and recipes. Not only MY recipes but an array of recipes I like cooking,some I found and some i adjusted creating some twists myself.  Starting from now: no meat :) I started a 30 day challenge of no meat but the more I read about it, the more I know I won't go back to my days where I ate 1x or even 2x a day meat. So my first goal is 365 recipe ideas for a non meat diet: that should keep you going on for one year :)