Thursday 30 April 2015

This.... Broke my heart

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Recipe #1 Butternut Squash Risotto


    1 medium butternut squash
    220 gr arborio rice
    1 chopped onion
    150 ml of white wine
    2 1/2 cups of vegetable stock
    seasoning (dry coriander, sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder)
    2 tablespoons of olive oil


    So first thing peel and cut in dices the butternut squash. Place it on a tray, sprinkle with salt and pepper and olive oil and roast in the oven for 30 min at around 200o C. Place the roasted butternut squash in a food processor or blender and add 2-3 tablespoons of water. Blend until you have a thick pure.
    Now start the risotto:

    Heat the olive oil in a big pan or wok. Add the chopped onion and allow it to get golden; sprinkle with some salt and pepper. Then add the rice and wine. Let the wine evaporate almost completely. Then add a cup of vegetable stock and wait till this evaporates too, and stir from time to time. Continue to do this until there is no more vegetable stock. At the end stir in the butternut squash pure and cover. Let it rest around 15 min before serving so that all the water has been absorbed. 

    Friday 10 April 2015

    Dog meat in my food? I asked for pork ! That's disgusting and sad!

    Yesterday on the Daily Mail Uk

    Chihuahua chow mein: Six Chinese restaurants shut down in Tijuana after a horrified customer discovered DOG meat was being served up as pork
    • Customer witnessed dog being butchered at Lo Yen City restaurant
    • It was killed to be served as a pork dish, it has been alleged 
    • Police raided the restaurant and arrested five people, including the owner
    • Officials on the scene discovered a decapitated puppy in a rubbish bin 

    "The Korean culture views dogs and cats as food.  That certainly was foreign to me as an American.  We shared our homes, our beds, our lives with these beings.  We loved them.  They were family, friends.   Our culture, on the other hand, viewed cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lambs, fish, even rabbits as food.  How could I, in good conscience, object to the culture of another country without examining our culture.  In that moment, I became a vegetarian.  To be able to criticize the customs of one culture without being a hypocrite I would have to reject our culture of eating the flesh of any animal.  The thought of anyone eating Casey or any of his relatives appalled me.  But weren’t the lives of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lambs, fish and rabbits just as valuable?  Of course they were and are.  Casey and the love that I had for him opened my eyes and changed my view of the world and transformed my lifetime love of animals into a respect for the lives of all non-human animals.  "

    But why, why do we have this cultural speciesism? Melanie Joy asnwers... Her TED talk is always a good watch, if you haven't already!