Thursday 13 August 2015

So you're vegan? What's that?

No, I don't eat meat, not even a ''bit''.

... Err do you even know what a protein is?

No, I am not refusing your kindness in offering me cookies, I just don't want to eat milk and eggs.

Yes, I know fish is "healthy", it's an ethical choice not a calorie counting issue.

Sometimes I miss cheese, yes. But then I think that babies should be with their mothers.

Oh, eating 3 bananas for breakfast is weird? But eating baby pig sliced corpse with hen's period and coagulated breast milk from a cow is not weird?

No, my blood tests are fine. What about your cholesterol?

Why? Because I love animals.

Oh the Chinese are savages because they eat dogs? What was your lunch again: steak with bacon was it?

...protein? As if protein is our only concern: did you know that only 11% of meat eating adults eat enough fibre?

Plants have calcium too. Have you ever seen a women lactating without being pregnant?! Boom.

It's just hard if you are not willing to make changes and try new things.

Have you heard about Veganuary?! Sign up, you'll love it ! 


I told you: being vegan is great ! :)