Tuesday 10 November 2015

Being vegan is (not) expensive: 2 course dinner 1,19€

2 course dinner for 2

Starter: potato and leek soup

Use 3 medium potatoes and 1 leek. Cover the vegetables with water, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, some salt and allow to cook for 20min. Blend with a hand blender till it's a smooth and creamy soup.
This will make for 6 portions of soup as a starter.

Total cost:
5 medium potatoes at Tesco for 0,49€
3 medium leeks at Tesco for 1€

So I calculated 0,30 € for the potatoes and 0,33 € for the leek = 0,63 € for 6 portions of soup.

Main Course: vegan omelette with sautéed vegetables

1) Use 100gr Gram Flour and make two omelettes according to this recipe
(great source of protein with 11 gr per omelette!)

2) Use 75 gr spinach leaves;
half a small broccoli head;
150gr white or forest fresh mushrooms
1 small onion

Then heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and a dash of maple syrup. Throw in a finely chopped small onion and let it caramelise.
Add the mushrooms cut in quarters and the broccoli chunks.
Allow to cook for about 5 min, don't overcook the broccoli so they are not mushy! At the end add the baby spinach leaves for about 1 minute (again don't overcook these).

Place the vegetables over the omelette and serve!

Total cost:
500gr Gram Flour is 2,19€ at Tesco
300gr White mushrooms cost 0,89€ at Tesco
10 medium/small onions cost 0,65€ at Tesco
200gr Baby spinach leaves cost 1€ at Tesco
1,79€ one Broccoli Head at Tesco

So I calculated 0,44 € for the flour, 0,45 € for the mushrooms, 0,33€ cost for the spinach leaves, 0,90€ for the broccoli, 0,06 € for the onion = 2,18 € for 2 people.

Total cost 2,38 € for two.

> I am not getting sponsored by Tesco, it just happened to have been where I made my shopping this week.