Monday 9 November 2015

Being vegan is expensive: the challenge

Over the next couple of days I will be posting more recipes and day by day food costs for the series Being vegan is 'expensive'

Because most people think that being vegan is only for the wealthy and that real food is expensive I would like to post a 7-day guide where I will adding everything I eat and the costs of cooking it. I will exclude spices and other things we usually have in the cupboard and calculate the total cost only on the price of the main ingredients.
My goal is to cook meals for 2 people, during 7 days with an estimated budget of 35 - 50 euros  (25 - 35 British pounds) and I will also include where I have purchased the items.

Because eating vegan (plant based) and cooking from scratch is CHEAP. It is well known that animal protein brings associated with it a lot of diseases which cost us (and our countries) a lot of money. So why not save money at the supermarket and also at the doctor by preventing these?

[ Follow all related blog posts with the tag eat better pay less ]