Friday 3 July 2015

Raw till 4

So if you ever wanted to loose weight and searched for tips and nutritional help to do this you might have heard about the bad boys: the carbs. Those little guys make you fat; skip your bread, drop the pasta, forget the rice because all of that makes you fat. Oh and never eat them at night, they hang onto your hips like a koala hangs onto his bamboo.

I was reading online about vegan, raw vegan lifestyle and I came across Banana Girl and the raw till 4 diet. It seems pretty easy to follow: loads of fruit and veggies (all raw) and cooked food in the evening, such as ... yes you got it, carbs! Low fat, high carb diet. Sounds crazy doesn't it?! :p

''Raw Till 4 is a lifestyle rather than a diet. A vegan program that focuses on eating A LOT of  raw fruits (especially bananas!) and vegetables, no animal products, little to no fats or seeds.  You basically eat whole, unprocessed raw foods until 4pm.  Then you are allowed to cook and eat certain beneficial foods, but again, without oils to help flavour and cook your food.  Following the raw till 4 program is challenging for those used to eating animal products, or even for vegans used to eating processed foods, but the health, fitness, and increased energy levels speak for themselves.''

So since Monday I have tried this. I eat a place of fresh fruit in the morning with seeds, and drink throughout the day A LOT of infused water (lemon, lime, orange), around 3 liters a day.

At lunch I have a huge plate with baby spinach leaves, tomatoes, cucumber and 2 tablespoons of corn. I eat fruit after lunch and also some more around 3 pm.

Sometimes I have 2 cookies around 4-5pm with water or tea or a coffee.

At dinner I have happily tucked into rice and pasta every night of this week: basmati rice and tofu on monday, cannellonis on tuesday, sushi dinner on wednesday and thai red curry with rice on thursday.
And believe it or not I have lost 1kg this week; 2.2lbs on my raw till 4 vegan diet.
So far I am pretty happy with the results, although I will skip doing this one day per week (such as saturday), I will continue to report on how I am doing on my raw till 4 /6 days a week diet in a future post.

PS: after loosing 27 lbs in the past months I can't remember the last time I had a BMI lower than 26 :) I am almost reaching a normal healthy BMI, just a few more kilograms to go - gogogogo I'm so happy ! :)