Thursday 25 June 2015

If you are a feminist you shouldn't be drinking this

If you're a feminist I am sure you find it unacceptable to separate mothers from their babies. 
If you're a feminist I am sure you are against sexual slavery and rape.
If you're a feminist I am sure you have a formed opinion on the abortion subject.

I am not a mother. I can only imagine how it would be like; that first moment when you hold your newborn baby and you suddenly know how to hold him, how to reach out your breast to nourish him and provide what he needs without anyone teaching you. You would probably turn into a lioness if someone would rip him out of your arms and take him away. You would probably sob and never forget him. Most of these motherly instinct are deep coded animal instincts; the same way a mother cat, a mother dog, a mother pig, mother cow, mother chimpanzee or mother dolphin know what to do and how to nourish their newborn.
I find it amazing how your body knows it needs (and does!) produce milk / food for your infant. Your body made a tiny person and is also producing the only food he/she will ever need for the first months. Stop for a moment. Isn't that incredible?!.. And this isn't exclusive to us; nature gave this ability to several species on this planet whom we all mammals, because well we all have mammary glands and produce milk for our babies. Our babies. Why don't we see people giving human breast milk to orphaned baby cats or dogs? But this would be weird ... giving them human milk, human milk is intended for humans not cats.

So why do we enslave female cows, rape them (to get them pregnant) and then take their babies away... To sell their milk to humans? Have you ever stopped to think about this? For a long time I did not. Can you imagine the suffering of an animal to be ripped from their offspring? They do not understand why, and if we could explain this to them... how would we justify this terrible act on basis of selling their milk to another species? In the end we all are animals, we all live by our animal instincts and suffer in the same way in those basic connections (mother-baby); the same raw animal pain a women has if her newborn baby is taken away from her is in every cow, every day, whom baby's taken away from her so we can drink his milk and eat his (veal) flesh; both things that we have no nutritional need to ingest to be healthy (actually quite the contrary, we are much healthier if we don't...)

If you are a feminist fighting for women rights, start at breakfast, and don't support female suffering of another species, they are not so different from us after all.